Thursday, August 27, 2020

13 beneficios por entrar al Ejército de Estados Unidos

13 beneficios por entrar al Ejã ©rcito de Estados Unidos Entrarâ en cualquiera de las ramas del Ejã ©rcito de los Estados Unidos lleva aparejado, adems del sueldo, una serie de beneficios y, en ocasiones, incentivos suculentos. Este es un asunto de interã ©s para los latinos, nacidos ya en Estados Unidos o migrantes, porque cada vez ms un city hall leader nã ºmero se alista para a servir en cualquiera de las ramas del Ejã ©rcito de los Estados Unidos. En la actualidad child el 14 por ciento del complete de militares en servicio activo, pero la cifra sube al 16 por ciento si se cuentan sã ³lo las nuevas incorporaciones. Y es que el Ejã ©rcito en todas sus ramas â€Army (Tierra y Guardia Nacional), Navy (Marina), Air Force (Aire), Coast Guard (Guardia Costera) y Marine Corps (Marines)â †pareceâ como una buena alternativa para labrarse un futuro. Las estadã ­sticas indican que esta opciã ³n resulta incluso un poco ms atractiva para las latinas que para los varones hispanos. En la actualidad. el Ejã ©rcito de Estados Unidos es el tercero city hall leader del mundo en cuanto an individual, solamente despuã ©s de los de China e India. Tiene un all out 1.281.900 millones de soldados y oficiales en servicio activo y 801.200 en las 7 Reservas. A tasks aplica una serie de beneficios y, en algunos casos, notables incentivos. 13 beneficios por ingresar al Ejã ©rcito de los Estados Unidos Los beneficios child para tasks los miembros, aunque algunos especã ­ficos pueden variar segã ºn la rama en la que se ingresa y child los siguientes: 1. Educaciã ³n. Existen varios caminos que permiten a los miembros del Ejã ©rcito cursarâ estudios universitarios mientras forman parte activa del Army o incluso si se realizan dentro de los 10 aã ±os siguientes a la finalizaciã ³n de la relaciã ³n con el Ejã ©rcito.â Los programas que permiten esta educaciã ³n child: GI Bill, Tuitition Assistance, College Reimbursement Plants e incluso la obtenciã ³n de crã ©ditos universitarios por entrenamiento realizado en el Ejã ©rcito.â 2. Vacaciones. Tanto soldados como oficiales pueden disfrutar cada aã ±o 30 dã ­as de vacaciones pagadas.â 3. Promociones. Una vez que se est en el Ejã ©rcito es posible ascender de rango mediante promociones. Cuando city hall leader es el rango, chairman es el sueldo. Feed que tener en cuenta que cada una de las ramas militares tiene su propio sistema y que incluso se le puede llamar a los rangos de distinta manera. Sin ban, el sueldo es igual para cada nivel, sin importa cã ³mo se le llame o si se trata de Marines, Marina (o maritime), Aire, Guardia Costera o Tierra. 4. Seguro mã ©dico y dental. Est plenamente cubierto mientras se permanece en servicio activo. 5. Tiendas en las que no se agnostic impuestos. Se llaman Commissaries o Exchanges. Existen tres tipos: AAFES, para Aire y Tierra, Nexcom para la Marina y el Marine Corps Exchange. Siempre supone un ahorro, particularmente con artã ­culos caros. 6. Actividades de Recreaciã ³n, Moral y Bienestar. Es lo que se conoce como MWR, por sus siglas en inglã ©s. Child actividades que se brindan a los militares y a sus familias. Lo cierto es que child muy variadas y difieren notablemente entre las distintas bases y la rama del Ejã ©rcito en la que se sirve.â 7. Inmigraciã ³n. Servir en el Ejã ©rcito puede tener beneficios migratorios para la persona que se alistaâ y tambiã ©n para sus familiares. Para el soldado u oficial, destacan la posibilidad de adquirir la ciudadanã ­a por naturalizaciã ³n en condiciones ventajosas, si se trata de un residente permanente. Adems, los familiares indocumentados de un ciudadano que sirve en el Ejã ©rcito podrã ­an beneficiarse del programa Parole in Place para obtener los papeles. Sin ban, los migrantes indocumentados no deben, bajo ningã ºn concepto, buscar ingresar an una base militar. Se estn dando casos de arrestos y los migrantes quedan a disposiciã ³n de las autoridades migratorias. Tener siempre presente quã © extranjeros se pueden alistarâ en el Ejã ©rcito y que el programa MAVNI para profesionales extranjeros presentes legalmente en Estados Unidos est, en estos momentos, no activo. Adems, en ningã ºn caso, los migrantes indocumentados pueden enrolarse en ninguna de las ramas militares de Estados Unidos. La excepciã ³n que existã ­a para los muchachos con DACA aprobado llega a su balance con la terminaciã ³n del programa por orden ejecutiva del presidente Donald Trump. 8. Bono por firmar, que en la actualidad tiene un mximo lawful de $40.000. Es decir, en ningã ºn caso puede ser unrivaled an esa cantidad. Los Marines y el Ejã ©rcito del Aire child los que menos incentivos al firmar ofrecen y, tambiã ©n, los de menor monto. Sã ³lo el Ejã ©rcito de Tierra (Army) ha ofrecido incentivos por la cantidad mxima lawful. Adems, puede haber bonos complementarios. Por ejemplo, en el Ejã ©rcito de Tierra se podrã ­a calificar para un bono extra por un mximo de $16.000 por incorporarse en menos de 30 dã ­as a partir de la fecha de enrolarse o un mximo de $8,000 por incorporarse entre el dã ­a 31 y el dã ­a 60 despuã ©s de haber firmado. Una à ºltima palabra sobre este tema: si no se cumple task el periodo para el que se firmã ³ es obligatorio devolver la cantidad que corresponda al tiempo no servido. 9. Pago de prã ©stamoâ a estudiante. Tasks los servicios excepto los Marines y la Guarda Costera brindan la posibilidad de pagar task o parte de los prã ©stamos estudiantiles. 10. Rango avanzado, o Advance Enlistment Rank para las personas que tienen crã ©ditos universitarios o han participado en programas como Junior ROTC en High School. 11. Programa Buddy, cuando dos personas del mismo sexo se enrolan juntas se les puede prometer a travã ©s de este programa que estarn juntas durante el entrenamiento bsico. Incluso si posteriormente entrenan para el mismo trabajo, tambiã ©n se harã ­a conjuntamente. 12. Programa Split Option en el caso de Guardia Nacional o Reserva, para alargar en el tiempo el entrenamiento bsico.â 13. Otros beneficios, como bonos por incorporarse a la reserva, reenganche en ocupaciones especiales, alistarse tras acabar los estudios secundarios, comprometerse a servir en activo por dos aã ±os seguidos por otros dos aã ±os en la reserva, and so on. Dã ³nde informarse sobre los beneficios por servir en el Ejã ©rcito Cuando una persona se alista por primera vez o repite firma un contrato con el Departamento de Defensa que se conoce como Form 4/1. Si adems el alistamiento es para el servicio activo, se firmar, a mayores, otro contrato. Lo importante a destacar es que realmente no importa lo que haya prometido el reclutador, si no est en el contrato, no existe. La à ºnica excepciã ³n child los beneficios que se explicaron anteriormente que le corresponden a todas las personas por servir en el Ejã ©rcito: seguro mã ©dico, salario base, GI Bill, alimentos, and so forth. Pero en el contrato last con el Departamento de Defensa tienen que estar especificados tasks los dems posibles incentivos,â que child opcionales.â Quã © beneficios no se tienen por alistarse en el Ejã ©rcito Es muy comã ºn creer los siguientes 2 errores: En groundwork lugar, que se puede elegir el servicio. Esto no es asã ­. Es cierto que se tendrn en cuenta las preferencias del soldado u oficial pero al last se acabar en el servicio que choose el Ejã ©rcito. Y en segundo lugar, no es correcta la creencia de que los veteranos que en el pasado sirvieron en el Ejã ©rcito tienen cubierto al 100 por cien el seguro mã ©dico. Esto no es asã ­ aunque child muchos los reclutadores que asã ­ lo manifiestan.â A tener en cuenta sobre el Servicio Selectivo En la actualidad, servir en el Ejã ©rcito de los Estados Unidos es voluntario, es decir, no feed obligaciã ³n de prestar el servicio militar.â Sin ban, tasks varones ciudadanos e inmigrantes entre los 18 y los 25 aã ±os de edad sã ­ que deben registrarse para el Servicio Selectivo. Esto afecta a grupos tan variados como los indocumentados presentes en Estados Unidos como a los ciudadanos estadounidenses que residen habitualmente en otro paã ­s.â Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Causes and Solutions to Pronunciation Problems Free Essays

Causes and answers for articulation problems12008815x , So Hee Kim Hong kong is one of the most favored areas for worldwide business in Asia Pacific, and is getting all the more so. Normally business English abilities is getting progressively significant. Business English abilities can be sorted into three unique parts. We will compose a custom paper test on Causes and Solutions to Pronunciation Problems or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now These parts are composing, introduction and correspondence. All are similarly significant, however this exposition will concentrate more on commuicaition. To be increasingly explicit, it will concentrate on elocution. For, when I previously came to hongkong, I understood that people’s grammer and jargon hushes up great, however it is some of the time hard to comprehend them on account of their elocution. Since moderately different perspectives are very acceptable, I believe that hong kong can build their seriousness in business English by concentrating on this angle. Along these lines, the accompanying will cover the goal of the article, the foundations for the mistaken elocution and the arrangements. The goal is to investigate how hong kong individuals can accomplish a ‘acceptable’ elocution. An adequate elocution is ‘ an articulation when others can comprehend what he/she says and the speaker’s English is wonderful to tune in to; at the end of the day, the speaker is easily understandable. ’ (James,2010) To be short, the elocution doesn’t must resemble a local speaker yet simply must be seen serenely. There are scarcely any variables that prompts the issue of articulation in hong kong, notwithstanding the early age the youngsters begin to learn English. One is the impact of their primary language. Furthermore, the other is the way how elocution is instructed in schools. Candice, 2006) There are bunches of studies that demonstrates that the primary language have a significant effect on learning the subsequent language (Carter,2001). In hong kong, their first language is Cantonese. What's more, there are contrasts in phonology among Cantonese and English. In the first place, in contrast to English, Cantonese is logographic. Since they become fami liar with their first language in a logographic technique, they may apply a similar way when learning English. That is, they may learn apply visual acknowledgment strategy when learning English words instead of applying the phonetic examination technique. What's more, this can diminish the capacity to connect letters and phonemes, which can influence their articulation. Additionally there are contrasts in the dialects syllable structure, sound stock and prosodic examples. (Catherine,2002) But the all the more squeezing issue is the irrelevant accentuation set on articulation educating. For these sorts of issues can be overwhelmed with a decent framework. In the first place, educators ought to explain the contrasts among English and Cantonese phonological frameworks. In an investigation, a research(Candice,2006) was directed to understudies of hong kong to discover where the most regular articulation mistakes happen and the purpose for this. The exploration indicated that the vast majority of these issues happened, in light of the fact that the understudies didn't have an away from of the contrasts between the two sound frameworks. For instance, the/l/sound in Cantonese can't be found in a word-last position. So the majority of the understudies in the examination tended to not illuminate the/l/while articulating ‘will’. Learning phonics in a fitting technique is additionally significant. Phonics is showing perusing via preparing fledglings to connect letters with their sound qualities. By learning phonics understudies will have the option to peruse and articulate appropriately. As of late in elementary schools in hong kong, phonics has become a significant segment of the English language educational program. In any case, there still is by all accounts a great deal of confinement concerning this. The most squeezing issue with respect to this issue, is that the information base for instructing phonics isn't built up. So the instructors should take a shot at finding an unmistakable technique for showing phonics in optional language settings. For instance, in an examination the scientist proposed embracing mindfulness raising exercises for phonics learning. (paul,2008) This implies expanding student’s attention to the general affectability to sound-spelling correspondence. This will build their capacity to see and derive the particular connections themselves. This will prompt better execution of understudies in sounding out another word from it’s spelling or spelling a word from it’s elocution. Likewise, instructors should utilize today’s innovation. For instance, there are such a large number of good PC program for learning English articulation nowadays. The solid purpose of utilizing program is that it permits understudy to over and again tune in to what they need, and help them to learn at whenever, anyplace. What's more, by propelling them to utilize these frameworks in their every day lives, they can assist understudies with creating independency in learning articulation. Elocutions in English is significant, in people’s day by day lives and furthermore in business society. Poor articulation can have a pessimistic impression and furthermore make preference against the individual. saylor) So, so as to have a decent relational abilities in the business world, having a ‘acceptable’ elocution is a need. The fundamental driver for elocution issues in hongkong can be found in the gigantic distinction between their mom tounge and English. However, by applying a viable English training framework it's anything but a difficult that couldn't be survived.. As universal business in expanding in hong kong, conquering this frail point will have incredible impact on the nation’s seriousness as the inside for worldwide organizations. References. 1. http://www. ehow. com/about_6636066_importance-english-elocution. html 2. An investigation of Hong Kong local Cantonese Form Three students’ issues in English Pronunciation. ( Chiu Kik Ling Candice,2006) 3. Showing Phonics through Awareness-Raising Activities (Paul Sze, 2008) 4. Figuring out how to peruse English among Chinese Children (Rebecca Treiman) 5. The Significance of Pronunciation in Engilsh Language Teaching (Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani, 2012) The most effective method to refer to Causes and Solutions to Pronunciation Problems, Essay models

Friday, August 21, 2020

AP Human Geography Paper Examples - Topics That Students Are Interested In

AP Human Geography Paper Examples - Topics That Students Are Interested InIf you're struggling with an AP Human Geography paper, perhaps an AP Human Geography essay sample will help. A lot of students spend a lot of time worrying about the paper they're writing. A little creativity and a dash of inspiration can make all the difference.The key to writing an AP Human Geography paper is to get inside your subject's head, and figure out what he or she is thinking and feeling. It's not necessary to analyze every detail that comes to mind, but it is essential to understand how and why your topic thinks, feels, and behaves.One of the easiest and most helpful topics for students to write about is college students. College students are an easy target for students to start from, since we know exactly what they think and feel. Many college students have some problems or behavioral issues, and their essays provide a perfect opportunity to cover these topics. Students will likely be writing about general thoughts on the state of their school, or perhaps they may be covering their own personal struggles.A student who is trying to figure out what he or she is going to say about hot dogs might find a lot of useful themes in an AP Human Geography essay sample. Topics like national food standards, national pastimes, or social trends in the hot dog industry are really good subjects for an essay. Writing about these types of topics will help your students hone their analytical skills, and make them understand the topics they are discussing.Another area where college students will often share opinions on the hot dog industry is sexism. Students may be surprised to see that sexism in the food industry is hardly a new concept, and they will certainly be able to draw ideas from a popular book on the subject. Just like any other college students, they will also think about the social standards they have in society and how this has changed since they were in school.In addition to examin ing topics like sexism, AP Human Geography paper examples on hot dogs might also take a look at the topics of class battles. If you're a student who is stuck on this topic, it can be difficult to come up with ideas that don't end up sounding like one of the old school arguments between students. A good example will show you how to tackle these kinds of topics, without sounding like a robot.For those who are interested in examining topics like class battles and animal rights activists, another theme that is frequently covered is race. After all, our subject does tend to talk about race and class a lot, but he or she doesn't always describe the race directly. If you want to use a student's race as an example, you can use something like a sentence like 'The classmate wanted to study how race and class had impacted him'In the class, the classmates discussed whether a painting on campus should be racially diverse.'Any AP Human Geography paper should cover topics of interest to students, but you need to make sure that your topic is one that students will actually want to read. If it seems like a waste of time to you, a good AP Human Geography essay sample might make you think again. Students will enjoy writing about topics like these, and it's likely that they'll end up writing better essays because of their experiences with them.

Monday, May 25, 2020

SAT Test Dates and Registration Deadlines for 2019â€20

The SAT is offered seven times a year:  August, October, November, December, March, May and June. SAT subject tests are administered on all of those dates except for in March. Also, plan carefully because not all subject tests are offered on a given date. SAT registration deadlines are typically about four weeks before the exam date. SAT Exam Dates and Registration Deadlines U.S. students have seven testing dates to choose from for taking the SAT in the 2019–20  admissions cycle.   SAT Exam Dates and Registration Deadlines Test Date Test Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline August 24, 2019 SAT Subject Tests July 26, 2019 August 13, 2019 October 5, 2019 SAT Subject Tests September 6, 2019 September 24, 2019 November 2, 2019 SAT Subject Tests October 3, 2019 October 22, 2019 December 7, 2019 SAT Subject Tests November 8, 2019 November 26, 2019 March 14, 2020 SAT Only February 14, 2020 March 3, 2020 May 2, 2020 SAT Subject Tests April 3, 2020 April 21, 2020 June 6, 2020 SAT Subject Tests May 8, 2020 May 27, 2020 Be sure to plan ahead since  registration deadlines are roughly a month before the test date. You can often register late for an additional fee, but even late registration must be completed about ten days before the exam date. If you   miss the late registration deadline, you can still register for waitlist status up until five days before the exam date. If you are on the waitlist, there is no guarantee of admission to the exam, and an additional fee will be assessed if you are allowed to take the SAT. Waitlist requests are handled on the SAT website just like regular registration. Other SAT Test Dates The seven test dates in the table above are open to all students, but they are not the only dates that the SAT is offered. Some schools administer the SAT on a Tuesday or Wednesday in the fall or spring. Weekday exams have the benefit of not conflicting with weekend work or sports schedules, but you will obviously be missing all of your morning classes. Also, this option will be available only to students who attend participating schools. For the 2019–20 academic year, weekday exams are offered on October 16, March 4, March 25, April 14, and April 28. Finally, like the ACT, the SAT offers Sunday testing for students who cannot take a Saturday exam for religious reasons. If you wish to test on Sunday, you will need to get a letter from an official religious leader that explains your request. You will also find that you have far fewer options for your testing center on Sundays since only a small number of students have religious conflicts on Saturdays. When Should You Take the SAT? Youll hear different strategies for when and how many times you should take the SAT, but a good general rule is to take the exam once in the second half of junior year (March, May, or June). If your scores arent on target for your top choice colleges, youll have time to beef up your skills and retake the exam in the first half of senior year (August, October, November, and possible December).  Students applying to college through an  Early Decision  or  Early Action  program will typically  want to take the exam by October of senior year. To figure out whether or not you should retake the exam, youll need learn what your target colleges consider a good SAT score. A 1000 may be fine for many colleges, while SAT scores for the Ivy League tend to be in the 1400 range or higher.   Because the SAT tests the English and math skills you have learned in school, it is generally not advisable to take the exam before junior year. Unless youre an accelerated student, you simply wont have covered all of the material on the exam early in high school. That said, there are some special summer programs and awards that require early SAT testing. The scores from testing early shouldnt affect your admission chances as long as you take the exam again later in high school. How Much Does Registration for the SAT Cost? When you register for the SAT, youll need to pay the required fee. The cost will vary depending on your time of registration and which test you are taking: $49.50 for the basic SAT exam$64.50 for the SAT exam with the optional essay$30  additional fee for late registration$53  waitlist fee if you miss the registration deadlines and are admitted to a test center on test day$26 basic subject test registration fee$22  additional fee for each subject test$26 additional fee for a language with listening subject test   If your familys income makes paying these testing fees prohibitive, you may be able to qualify for an SAT fee waiver. You can learn more about fee waivers on  the SAT web site. A Final Word About SAT Testing and Registration The SAT, like all aspects of applying to college, requires some strategizing and planning. Be sure to map out timelines for junior year and senior year so that you dont miss important test dates and registration deadlines. If you are planning on taking SAT subject tests, planning is even more important since you cant take a subject test on the same day as the regular SAT. Finally, be sure to keep the SAT in perspective. Yes, it can be an important part of the college admissions process, but it is just one piece of the equation. A strong academic record with challenging classes, impressive letters of recommendation, a stunning essay, and meaningful extracurricular activities can all help make up for SAT scores that are less than ideal. Also keep in mind that there are hundreds of test-optional colleges that dont require SAT scores as part of the admissions process.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay about Hip Hops Betrayal on Black Women - 1068 Words

La Shannon Appleby Baomei Lin ENGL 1123 P18 16 February 2012 Rhetorical Analysis of â€Å"Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women† In â€Å"Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women†, McLune addresses the influence of hip hop’s choice of words towards African American women and females. McLune’s article is written in response to Powell’s opinions in â€Å"Notes of a Hip Hop Head†, along with various other hip hop artists, that black females are the leading cause of poverty and racism why black men undertake racism and poverty, as if women do not face these struggles from day to day. McLune disagrees with this remark and states that this is just one of many excuses that men use. McLune addresses an audience that is well educated along with informed with the†¦show more content†¦By expressing this with the African American society of women who are continuously torched by the demanding words of men, McLune appeals strongly to all American women’s intellect of equality and respect. Women s hould not have to be judged by men and expect to be treated as if they owe anyone something, let alone have to be mistreated and belittled, if that were to be the case then men should be treated the same, therefore McLune’s audience, should understand that that is not how you define a black woman in any terms. This denotation to the silent cries supports for an emotional appeal to an example of the silent cries in African American women. As stated in the title, Powell is aware that black women are merely being betrayed in the hip-hop industry and simply states that the choice of words that hip-hop artist chose to rap about is simply â€Å"the ghetto blues, urban folk art, a cry out for help.† (298) and it is rubbing off on almost every man in our American society and giving them a different perspective of women all because women refuse to speak out and speak up. â€Å"As a result, female rappers are often just as male-identified, violent, materialistic, and ignorant as their male peers.† (298). Over 100 years ago, women were not even allowed to vote, the closest they got to voting was sitting there and watching. They were not allowed to work, they were forced to be stay at home wives while theirShow MoreRelatedHip Hops Betrayal of Black Women961 Words   |  4 PagesMiddleto n Comp I 25 Sept. 2011 Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women The Hip Hop music industry is infamous for being controversial. In the article Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women there’s a debate on whether the exploitation and constant verbal slander of women should be acceptable just because it sales records. It presents the question that why is it that male poverty breeds sexism? Even though women may have lived in the same environment males still see women as the enemy in their music in anRead More Portrayal of Women in Rap and Music Videos Essay1725 Words   |  7 Pages Misogyny and degradation of women is present in almost every genre of music, yet the one genre that completely revolves around demeaning women is rap. Over the years rap and rap music videos have continually become more sexual and degrading towards women. Rap has been criticized numerous times for this reason, and that is because rap is one of the most popular genres of music for the younger generations. It is more than a genre of music, it is a complete indust ry filled with clothing and other merchandise

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Monocular Cues Essay (Psychology) - 813 Words

Masters of Illusions – Monocular Cues Essay The Renaissance was a time of cultural movement occurring from the 14th century to the 17th century, it brought along with it a new view of art and literature. Many of today’s famous artists came from the Renaissance such as Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo. Many of the pieces they drew displayed evidence monocular cues which are depth perception cues that allowed the viewer to see the art in three dimensions. Today, monocular cues are used almost everywhere, from photographs to movies and television shows to create a visual appeal and depth to the work. The monocular cue, Linear perspective, is the cue that shows a convergence of lines to a single point, which can also be the†¦show more content†¦The texture of the people in the very front are elaborate and as the viewer focuses his attention to the background of the picture, it is clear that the texture went from coarse to fine because the people in the back do not have significant details such as faces or proper figure. In fact, they seem to be just paint blotches. Monocular cues have played a big role in a person’s perspective and it has allowed people to see things in a whole new way. The Renaissance gave birth to monocular cues and from there, it has been used by many artists like Da Vinci, Pieter Bruegel, and Benozzo Gozzoli, each of them using different monocular cues in different ways. What began with artworks from the Renaissance has evolved into motion pictures and photography. Today, monocular cues are used to create new technology such as 3D TVs andShow MoreRelatedWhy Do we have Two Eyes rather than one? Essay1876 Words   |  8 Pagesperception, the human visual system must receive and interpret information from different sources including monocular and binocular cues to depth. Depth cues or pointers are important source of information, which enable the human visual system to re-construct 3D images from flat or 2D retinal images (Blake Sekuler, 2006; Fischmeister Bauer, 2006). However, contrary to other categories of cues, the cues to depth do not elicit any form of conscious deliberation in order for depth to be perceived, but ratherRead MorePerception; Subliminal and Supraliminal Perception5215 Words   |  21 Pagesschool of thought or psychology. * Figure-ground Relationships. When we look at objects, we usually see them as solid, well-defined image (figure) standing out against a background (ground). * Continuity- objects arranged in a straight or curve line tends to be seen as continuous and as a unit. * Common Region- objects that are in the same area or region is perceived as being in a group. * Monocular cues- require the use of only one eye. Some examples of monocular depth cues are relative sizeRead MoreEssay on Sensation: Color and Absolute Threshold Correct16161 Words   |  65 Pages d) presented in pure form so that only one basic taste is involved ANS: a, p. 101, C, LO=3.10, (2) 102. Maricella always uses less seasoning on her food than do the other members of her family. Her sister has just taken an introductory psychology course and says to Maricella, ________ a) â€Å"I know what you are – you are a taster pro.† b) â€Å"I know what you are – you are a taster queen.† c) â€Å"I know what you are – you are a supertaster.† Correct. Someone who is more sensitive to taste

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Beatlemania In The 1960s Essay Example For Students

Beatlemania In The 1960s Essay The Beatles were a mystical happening that many people still dont underezd. Phenomenoligists had a ball in 1964 with Beatlemania, a generally harmless form of madness which came from Britain in 1963. The sole cause of Beatlemania is a quartet of young Englishmen known as the Beatles. In the less than one year that they achieved popularity in England to the time they came to America, The Beatles achieved a popularity and following that is unprecedented in the history of show business in England. They became the first recording artists anywhere in the world to have a record become a million-seller before its release. They became the target of such adoration by their fans that they had to cancel all one-night bookings because of riots in early 1964. Beatlemania had reached unbelievable proportions in England, it became a form of reverse lend-lease and spread to the United States. Capitol records followed the Beatles single record with the release of an album, Meet the Beatles, in late January of 1964. That event was followed by the Beatles themselves, who arrived in New York February 8, 1964 for three appearances with Ed Sullivan. The first show was scheduled for Sunday, February 9, the second was telecast from Miami a week later, and the third pre-taped for an airing in March. These concerts were the most watched television programs ever (70 million viewers) until recently. The Beatles arrival in the United States was presaged by a deluge of advance publicity. Newsweek, Time, and Life have chronicled Beatlemania, UPI, and the AP(Associated Press) had done their part for the cause (including an AP wirephoto of J. Paul Getty sporting a Beatle wig), and even Vogue shoved high fashion aside momentarily in its January, 1964 issue and carried a full-page photo of the group. Baltimores respected Evening Sun took notice of the coming of the Beatles on its editorial page at that time. Said the Sun: The Beatles are coming. Those four words are said to be enough to jelly the spine of the most courageous police captain in Britain Since, in this case, the Beatles are coming to America, America had better take thought as to how it will deal with the invasion Indeed, a restrained Beatles, go home, might be just the thing. Precisely how, when, and where Beatlemania got started nobody- not even their late manager Brian Epstein(who died of a drug overdose in 1967) can say for sure. The Beatles are a product of Liverpool, which had a population of some 300 rock and roll bands( or beat groups, as Liverpudlians are wont to call them). The beat groups hawked their musical wares in countless small cellar clubs, old stores and movie houses, even in a converted church, nearly all of which are in proximity to the Mersey River. Out of all these groups came, somehow, the Beatles. And they had to go to Germany to do it. In order to better their Liverpool take-home pay of around $15. per week apiece, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo (so called because of his penchant for wearing at least four rings) Starr took a tramp steamer to Hamburg and a job which moved them up a bit financially, if not in class. There, in a raucous and rowdy strip joint, the Indra Club, the Beatles became the first entertainers to play louder than the audience. There, too, they were discovered by English promoter and talent agent, Brian Epstein, who has since become deservedly known as the fifth Beatle. Under Epsteins shrewd guidance, the Beatles soon found themselves signing a contract with Britains giant Electric ; Musical Industries, Ltd., the largest recording organization in the world and major stockholder in Capitol Records, Inc.; headlining concerts throughout Britain; and appearing on television. .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c , .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c .postImageUrl , .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c , .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c:hover , .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c:visited , .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c:active { border:0!important; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c:active , .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u224aac78597f8993be73f74de1cb012c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Elvis Presley Biography Essay Their first recording, Love Me Do, was issued by EMIs Parlophone label in October, 1962. It sold a respectable 100,000 copies, and it was the last time a Beatle single sold less than half million copies. The first million-seller, She Loves You, came out in the spring of 1963. It was followed by two albums, Please, Please Me and With the Beatles. Both LPs sold over 300,000 copies.1 Then, finally, came the unprecedented success of the newest single record, I Want to Hold Your Hand. In between there was three extended play ( a 45 r.p. m. disk containing four tunes) recordings which also racked up sales of several hundred thousand apiece. All this resulted in what is universally known in Britain as Beatlemania and, as Newsweek said of young Liverpudlians, the sound of their music is one of the most persistent noises heard over England since the air-raid sirens were dismantled. Their popularity reached a head of sorts when, in November of 1963, at the request of the Royal Family, The Beatles headlined the annual command performance at the Prince of Wales theater. It was a glittering affair and, probably out of deference to attending royalty (including the Queen Mother-she found them young, fresh, and vital and Princess Margaret), notable for the absence of even a small riot. Despite their apparent appointment as Purveyors of Rock and Roll to the Crown, the Beatles have taken the whole thing in stride. Said Beatle John Lennon to the lords and ladies at the command performance: People in the cheaper seats clap your hands, the rest of you just rattle your jewelry. It was not only their good looks and wonderfully unique music that made them so popular with the young ladies (and men too!). It was their witty charm that was reflected in the quote from the Royal Command Performance. Here is part of what was said at LaGuardia airport on February 7, 1964: Will you sing for us? someone asked. We need money first, John Lenin shot back. Whats your message for American teenagers? Our message is. some more Beatle records, returned Paul McCartney. What about the movement in Detroit to stamp out the Beatles? Were starting a movement to stamp out Detroit. Do you hope to take anything home with you? Rockefeller Center. What do you think of Beethoven? I love him, said Ringo Starr. Especially his poems. Dont you guys ever get a haircut? I just got one yesterday, retorted George Harrison. Added Ringo: You should have seen him the day before. Theres a little bit of Beatle history. One could say that they did not just come out of nowhere , like many people believe. It took hard, diligent work to go where they went. Because of this Came out of nowhere to steal the hearts of young girls quote that was often used in the 1960s, many psychiatrists felt the need to examine further. Anthony Corbett, a noted English psychologist praised the Beatles as having provided a desperately needed release for the inhibitions which exist in all of us.2Dixon Scott of the London Daily Mirror interviewed a well-known psychiatrist (unnamed because of medical ethics) in an attempt to get to the root of Beatlemania. We are all chaotic and mixed up inside, the psychiatrist told Scott. We are anxious to have a greater freedom to live. We have a greater feeling of the need to express ourselves in the past we have been controlled automatonsbut you cannot hold nature back forever. All the parts in use had to seek an outlet and rhythm is one of these outletsthen along came the Beatles with their fresh beat and fresh innocence. .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 , .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 .postImageUrl , .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 , .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5:hover , .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5:visited , .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5:active { border:0!important; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5:active , .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5 .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uca57edb56c924db55d636d27e842dbf5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay The psychiatrist then came to the crux of the problem: A revolution is taking place, he said. It amounts to freedom with a sense of responsibility and honesty. The fans recognize the honesty that shines from the Beatles. While other pop stars have thought in artificial terms of reaching out to their audiences, the Beatles are giving honestly, as well as receiving. In a lengthy article in the New York Times, Frederick Lewis of that papers London bureau, examined the sociological implications of Beatlemania and came up with other theories. They (The Beatles) are working class and their roots and attitudes are firmly of the north of England. Because of their success, they can act as spokesman for the new, noisy, anti-establishment generation which is become a force in British life, Lewis wrote. The Beatles are part of a strong-flowing reaction against the soft, middle class south of England, which has controlled popular culture for so long. Beatlemania has touched all corners of English and American life and all types of people. Obviously , it had an enormous effect on America. The proof can be shown in the millions upon millions of records they have sold in the last 32 years that they have been making records (in the present tense because they are still releasing records today). In the first Beatles fanzine in America, it shows how crazy America was at this time over the Beatles. It has life stories, full page pictures, how to do the Beatle dance, and the Beatle haircut. The big contest was to win a call from the Beatles. And at the end there was some wallet size photos for the girls purses. It is obvious that the Beatles influenced everyones lives. From the shrieking girls, to the parents of those girls, and the police officers that tried their best to contain the uncontrollable(girls). Their popularity diminished after they stopped touring in 1966, which was due to the strain and stress of touring that they had endured. But their impact was to last forever. The wanting of the reunion has been so big that they are reuniting to collaborate for a new album. It will undoubtedly be a best seller. After all these years, people still love them. 1 According to The Beatles- The first American Beatle Fan-zine. 2 All quotes courtesy of The Beatles- The First American Beatle Fan-zine.